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Saturday 2 February 2013

Being positive makes a difference

I know that I feel down sometimes, and its nothing I can help! If you feel sad for no reason or a major reason, then your defiantly not the only person who is! I was thinking about what to actually write in this blog, and I think its time to think of some things to make me, and whoever is (probably nobody) reading to stay happy and more positive!<3 
1) Seeing the best sides in as many things as possible!
- This isn't always easy, I know, but I think its worth trying. If something bad happens, and every time it does happen you only thing of the bad things, then your not going to get anywhere in trying to be more happy or positive. I do know, some things really do have no good things to them, but the few things that do, focus on them not the bad parts! Think of something on your mind that is getting you down, and making you feel upset. Now try and think of a good thing about it! For example, if you have lots of homework (not such a big one) just think that this is making your brain think more, and it will take your mind off of the bad things! 
2) Ignoring things that you don't need to listen to!
-This may sound weird, but its true. If someone is purposely trying to make you feel upset, then whats the point in listening. If someone is telling you something about yourself, or telling you that your 'ugly' or any of those other things, then they are only trying to make you annoyed! Nobody is ugly apart from the person who is saying it! Just think about that. My family and teachers at school from when I was very young have been consistently telling me that I should not show that I care! I have always let this slip my mind but now I know how important it is! If they are saying this to you, then they want you to care, but if you don't care and just smile through it, then they have nothing to do and you win! 
3) Listening to happy songs, or watching nick junior!:) 
This one may be the strangest, but this is what DEFIANTLY makes me feel better when I am upset. Lots of people when they are sad, will listen to sad songs or watch sad films which is only going to make you feel worse. Turn up the happy the music, or dancing music and ignore anything that may be making you sad. Even if you are not this is a good thing to do as it will keep you happy! Watching  TV shows such as Peppa Pig, Charlie and Lola, Ben and Hollys Little Kingdom, will make you more happy, and it will only make you happier! 
4) Taking a walk or spending more times outside:)
Spending time outside will make you more happier than being locked up inside on your computer! Try at least a few times a month to take your self on a walk through a park or something, because it will make you more happy! Trust me, and maybe even listen to music, so that your not just thinking of bad things. Walking in the fresh air is a good way to clear your mind - and stay fit and healthy, double score:) 

So try all these things and you will feel better. Oh yeah, and when you are feeling pertcually down maybe try to eat some fatty foods:)